[The STEMMAT-project as part of health initiative BayernAktiv: adult stem cells from umbilical cord and cord blood as alternative to embryonic stem cell research]
Document type:
Journal Article; Review
Jacobs, VR; Niemeyer, M; Gottschalk, N; Schneider, KTM; Kiechle, M; Oostendorp, RAJ; Peschel, C; Hönicka, M; Lehle, K; Birnbaum, D; Meyer, TPH; Rapp, S; Burkhart, J; Aigner, J; Eblenkamp, M; Windermantel, E
Adult stem cells from umbilical cord and cord blood are an interesting alternative to embryonic stem cells because such research is commonly recognized as ethical undisputed and many aspects are still insufficiently investigated. In the context of the STEMMAT research project (STEM = Stem Cell and MAT = Material) different aspects of stem cells from umbilical cord and cord blood are investigated, to improve basic science understanding and potentially leading someday to a clinical application.
Fachgebiet Perinatalmedizin und Perinatalphysiologie (Prof. Schneider); Frauenklinik und Poliklinik; III. Medizinische Klinik und Poliklinik (Hämatologie / Onkologie)