The precise alignment and integration of modular X-ray mirrors for the next generation of large high energy astrophysics mission is a significant challenge. Based on mirror design and requirements, possible concepts and technologies are studied. Relevant error sources like adhesive shrink, thermoelastic distortions and gravity effects, are discussed and design parameters of the mirror mounting and bonding are studied with numerical simulation. For experimental verification, a laboratory setup is implemented that allows the alignment and integration of mirror segments and uses the deflectometry method as an advantageous metrology tool for their characterization.
The precise alignment and integration of modular X-ray mirrors for the next generation of large high energy astrophysics mission is a significant challenge. Based on mirror design and requirements, possible concepts and technologies are studied. Relevant error sources like adhesive shrink, thermoelastic distortions and gravity effects, are discussed and design parameters of the mirror mounting and bonding are studied with numerical simulation. For experimental verification, a laboratory setup is...