The development of modern X-ray detectors is a complex process, and it is often difficult to evaluate the effect of each single technological choice on the overall performance of the detector. HORUS ( HPAD Output Response fUnction Simulator ) is a 2D detector simulation program simulating all the physical and electronic processes impacting the detective quantum efficiency of the detector. The program has a modular and pluggable structure, making it easy to deactivate or modify each of the processes implemented, and thus to evaluate the impact of each of them on the detector performances. In addition, HORUS is a very helpful tool to evaluate the influence of the detector on the scientific output. This is especially interesting in the case of experiments which were never carried out before, like those which will be done at the future hard X-ray XFEL facilities coming online in the coming months and years. Last, HORUS is a great educational tool for anybody who wants to learn about the behaviour and working mechanism of a detector.
The development of modern X-ray detectors is a complex process, and it is often difficult to evaluate the effect of each single technological choice on the overall performance of the detector. HORUS ( HPAD Output Response fUnction Simulator ) is a 2D detector simulation program simulating all the physical and electronic processes impacting the detective quantum efficiency of the detector. The program has a modular and pluggable structure, making it easy to deactivate or modify each of the proces...