This thesis deals with the start-up ecosystem in Munich. More specif-ically, it is to be investigated how the phenomenon of Coworking Spaces has manifested itself functionally and spatially in the city, as well as the importance of 'coworking' as new paradigm of work for the entrepreneurs. By means of a three-part research phase, relevant data was collected, qualitative interviews with operators of Coworking Spaces or business centers were conducted, and a quan-titative online survey was carried out for the users of such spaces. Based on this, it has been shown that there is a dynamic ecosystem in Munich, and numerous actors, be it the big companies, universities and coworking operators, contribute in different ways to the positive development of the start-up scene. The means behind the spatial dis-tribution of entrepreneurial activities is particularly taken into account.
This thesis deals with the start-up ecosystem in Munich. More specif-ically, it is to be investigated how the phenomenon of Coworking Spaces has manifested itself functionally and spatially in the city, as well as the importance of 'coworking' as new paradigm of work for the entrepreneurs. By means of a three-part research phase, relevant data was collected, qualitative interviews with operators of Coworking Spaces or business centers were conducted, and a quan-titative online survey was carried...