The tree transformation language TL is introduced which incorporates full MSO- pattern-matching, arbitrary navigation through the input, and named procedures with accumulating parameters. Thus, TL essentially captures all features offered by existing document processing languages such as XSLT, fxt, or XDuce. It is proved that TL, despite its expressiveness, still allows for effective inverse type inference. This result is obtained by means of a translation of TL transformers into compositions of (stay) macro tree transducers.
The tree transformation language TL is introduced which incorporates full MSO- pattern-matching, arbitrary navigation through the input, and named procedures with accumulating parameters. Thus, TL essentially captures all features offered by existing document processing languages such as XSLT, fxt, or XDuce. It is proved that TL, despite its expressiveness, still allows for effective inverse type inference. This result is obtained by means of a translation of TL transformers into compositions of...