Two ENU-induced mouse mutant lines, both with distinct bone dysmorphologies, were analysed systemically to identify novel pathomechanisms leading to multifactorial diseases. In Ali34, a point mutation in Plxnd1 results in a 48 amino acid shortened protein. Homozygous mutants resemble known knockout phenotypes, while heterozygous animals displayed novel phenotypes with blood vessel misguidance in the secondary ossification centre of long bones, leading to chondrodysplasia, osteophytes and ankylosis of the knee joint. Aga2, a mouse model for human Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), harbours a point mutation in Col1a1. Analysis of the cardiopulmonary system in neonatal lethal Aga2/+ mice revealed a bone-independent mechanism leading to cardiac hypertrophy, hypertension and hypoxia, causative for an increased lethality rate.
Two ENU-induced mouse mutant lines, both with distinct bone dysmorphologies, were analysed systemically to identify novel pathomechanisms leading to multifactorial diseases. In Ali34, a point mutation in Plxnd1 results in a 48 amino acid shortened protein. Homozygous mutants resemble known knockout phenotypes, while heterozygous animals displayed novel phenotypes with blood vessel misguidance in the secondary ossification centre of long bones, leading to chondrodysplasia, osteophytes and ankylos...