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Risk stratification of patients with locally aggressive differentiated thyroid cancer. Results of the MSDS trial.

journal article
Riemann, B; Krämer, JA; Schmid, KW; Dralle, H; Dietlein, M; Schicha, H; Sauerland, C; Frankewitsch, T; Schober, O; MSDS study group; Schober, O; Dralle, H; Biermann, M; Riemann, B; Heinecke, A; Köpcke, W; Schmid, KW; Dralle, H; Schuck, A; Willich, N; Reiners, C; Geling, M; Hense, HW; Jürgens, H; Kiesel, L; Löschmann, PA; Riemann, B; Pixberg, MK; Weckesser, M; Schober, O; Dietlein, M; Kobe, C; Schicha, H; Schlemmer, H; Lerch, H; Dörr, U; Pöpperl, G; Richter, M; Grimm, J; Mende, T; Farmakis, G; Ne...     »
The Multicentre Study Differentiated Thyroid Cancer (MSDS) collective represents a well defined group of patients with locally aggressive thyroid carcinomas (pT4; AJCC/UICC 1997). The aim of the present study was to compare the survival of patients with minimum and extensive extrathyroidal growth according to the new AJCC/UICC TNM staging system 2009.The follow-up data of 347 patients were analysed. Patients were reclassified according to the current AJCC/UICC 2009 classification. The event-free and overall survival was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier analysis. In addition, postoperative complications and status of disease were documented.327 patients were assigned to stage pT3 and 20 patients to stage pT4a, respectively. Median follow-up was 6.1 years (range 0.04-9.8 years). 92.5% of patients reached complete remission. There were 7.8 % recurrences in the thyroid bed, in locoregional lymph nodes and/or in distant sites. The overall survival was>98% both in pT3 and pT4a patients (p = n. s.). In contrast, the event-free survival was significantly less favourable in pT4a patients (p< 0.001). Using multivariate analysis the following parameters were significant predictors of event-free survival: histological tumour type, degree of extrathyroidal extension and nodal metastasis (p< 0.05).The MSDS patients with locally aggressive differentiated thyroid cancer showed an excellent overall survival during a median follow-up of 6.1 years. According to the current AJCC/UICC 2009 classification, pT3 patients with minimal extrathyroidal extension revealed a significantly better event-free survival than pT4a patients with extensive extrathyroidal growth.
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Nuklearmedizinische Klinik und Poliklinik