Conditions for the existence of strictly stationary multivariate GARCH processes in the
so-called BEKK parametrisation, which is the most general form of multivariate GARCH
processes typically used in applications, and for their geometric ergodicity are obtained.
The conditions are that the driving noise is absolutely continuous with respect to the
Lebesgue measure and zero is in the interior of its support and that a certain matrix built
from the GARCH coefficients has spectral radius smaller than one.
To establish the results semi-polynomial Markov chains are defined and analysed using
algebraic geometry.
Conditions for the existence of strictly stationary multivariate GARCH processes in the
so-called BEKK parametrisation, which is the most general form of multivariate GARCH
processes typically used in applications, and for their geometric ergodicity are obtained.
The conditions are that the driving noise is absolutely continuous with respect to the
Lebesgue measure and zero is in the interior of its support and that a certain matrix built
from the GARCH coefficients has spectral radius smal...