A numerical approach is presented that allows to compute nonequilibrium steady-state properties of strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. The method is imbedded in the Keldysh Green’s function formalism and is based upon the idea of the variational cluster approach as far as the treatment of strong correlations is concerned. It appears that the variational aspect is crucial as it allows for a suitable optimization of a “reference” system to the nonequilibrium target state. The approach is neither perturbative in the many-body interaction nor in the field, that drives the system out of equilibrium, and it allows to study strong perturbations and nonlinear responses of systems in which also the correlated region is spatially extended. We apply the presented approach to nonlinear transport across a strongly correlated quantum wire described by the fermionic Hubbard model. We illustrate how the method bridges to cluster dynamical mean-field theory upon coupling two baths containing an increasing number of uncorrelated sites.