- Titel:
The Political Economy of Banking Regulation and Its Impact on Competition - Some Considerations Regarding Germanys Banking System
- Dokumenttyp:
- Buchbeitrag
- Autor(en):
- Kaserer, C.; Wenger, E.
- Nicht-TUM Koautoren:
- ja
- Kooperation:
- -
- Seitenangaben Beitrag:
- 163-187
- Herausgeber:
- Finel-Honigman, I.
- Buchtitel:
- European Monetary Union Banking Issues: Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
- Intellectual Contribution:
- Discipline-based Research
- Verlag / Institution:
- Jai Press
- Verlagsort:
- Stamford (CT)
- Jahr:
- 1999
- Format:
- Text
- Key publication:
- Nein
- Peer reviewed:
- nein
- International:
- Ja
- Book review:
- Nein
- commissioned:
- not commissioned
- Kategorie:
- research
- Leitbild:
- ;
- BibTeX