In this work we apply the Correlation Transver
se Wave Formulation (CTWF) method for direct
computation of the auto- and cros
s correlation functions (ACFs and
CCFs) of stationary stochastic
electromagnetic fields. These ACFs and CCFs are com
puted from the Johns matrices, i.e. the discrete-
time TWF Green's functions and are directly related to the EMI power spectra.
Radiated EMI is represented by stoc
hastic EM fields. For efficient EMI compliant design and optimization
of circuits and systems the si
mulation methodologies based on the field autocorrelation and cross
correlation spectral densities are required. Semi-ana
lytic numerical methods based on Green's function
formalism already were presented in
(Russer and Russer, 2011a, 2015).
The Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method is an e
fficient time-and space discrete numerical method for
modeling of complex electromagnetic structures (R
usser and Russer, 2011b, 2014). Introducing network
models allows the application of correlation matrix met
hods for the modeling of stochastic fields. This can
be done either by method of moments as discussed in
(Russer and Russer, 2015) or by applying network
oriented space discretising methods for EM field computation as for example the TLM method (Russer et
al., 2016).
Mode matching is the superposition of modal field solu
tions. If an electromagnetic structure is subdivided
into substructures and complete sets of modal field
solutions are known for the sub-domains, these modal
solutions form a complete basis and allow to expand the field solutions into these basis functions.
Choosing modal functions as the basis functions ensure
s that these functions are
already solutions within
the respective regions and we need
only to care that the boundar
y conditions are fulfilled. The mode
matching method is potentially exact if we allow infi
nite series expansions. Considering the modal basis
functions as the basis of a function space, Hilbert
space methods, in particular the method of moments
(Harrington, 1968), can be applied. Baudrand and Baj
on introduced Hilbert space methods to transform
integral formulations of electromagnetic field pr
oblems into algebraic ones (Baudrand, 2001). An
extension of this method has been given in the transve
rse wave formulation (Wane et al., 2003). Now, we
extend the Transverse Wave Formulation method to
compute auto- and cross correlation functions of
stationary stochastic
electromagnetic fields.
Baudrand, H.: Introduction au Calcul des Elements de
Circuits Passifs en Hyperfreequences, Cépaduès-
Éditions, Toulouse, 2001.
Harrington, R. F.: Field Computation by Mom
ent Methods„ IEEE Press,
San Francisco, 1968.
Russer, J. A. and Russer, P.: Stochastic electrom
agnetic fields, in: German Microwave Conference
(GeMIC), pp. 1-4, 2011a.
Russer, J. A. and Russer, P.: Modeling of Noisy EM
Field Propagation Using Correlation Information, in
IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques, 2015.
Russer, J. A., Cangellaris, A., and Ru
sser, P.: Correlation Transmission Line Matrix (CTLM) Modeling of
Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields, in: Proceeding o
f: IEEE International Microwave Symposium, IMS,
San Francisco, CA, USA, 2016.
Russer, P. and Russer, J.: Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) and network methods applied to
electromagnetic field computation, in: Micr
owave Symposium Digest (MTT), 2011 IEEE MTT-S
International, pp. 1-4, IEEE,
1.5972622, 2011b.