Spread spectrum clocking (SSC) is used for data transmission in modern synchronous digital systems in
order to comply with electromagnetic compatibility (E
MC) regulations. In a synchronous digital system, a
single clock signal is delivered to all subsystems, where actions within each subsystem only occur during
the clock periods (Kao and Hsieh, 2009; Kawamoto
et al., 2014). Due to the periodic nature of a clock
signal, its bandwidth is very narrow. In an ideal rect
angular clock signal, in fact all the signal energy is
concentrated at a single frequency and the higher
order harmonics. Radiated electromagnetic
interference (EMI) originating from clock signals ther
efore also radiates all it
s energy at a very narrow
frequency band. The peak radiation power in such a
scenario can easily reach the limits defined by EMC
When measuring the near-field emissions from th
e PCB under test, the existence of the spreading
spectrum effects need to be taken into account for
correct signal processing of the measured time domain
data. It is known that data containing emissions reveal
the cyclostationary properti
es of their second-order
stochastic characteristics. But in the case of SSC
the cyclic frequencies of
the correlation functions
become dependent on time lag, which in the case of
time-continuous functions could be described by a
Generalized Almost Cyclostationary model (Russer et
al., 2015a, b). But after the uniform discretization
the stochastic process could loose
the properties of the continuous one. The possible way for overcome
this problem is the de-spreading of the clock signa
l at the preprocessing stage of the algorithm for
revealing cyclostationary properti
es of the measured EMI data.
The comparison of the modeling and measurement
results shows the good agreement between the
characteristics of the composed model for the SSC
signal and corresponding c
haracteristics evaluated
from the near-field measurements of the EMI from t
he Spartan 6 FPGA electroni
c device. The proposed
model can be used for the prediction of spectral
characteristic of any m
easured and approximated
frequency modulation function using for the implementation
of the SSC. It can be also effectively used for
the necessary de-spreading procedure of t
he measured near-field time domain EMI data.
Kao, Y. H. and Hsieh, Y. B.: A Low-Power and Hi
gh-Precision Spread Spectrum Clock Generator for
Serial Advanced Technology Attachment Applicatio
ns Using Two-Point Modula
tion, IEEE Transactions on
Electromagnetic Compatibility, 51, 245-
254, doi:10.1109/TEMC.2008.2012115, 2009.
Kawamoto, T., Suzuki, M., and Noto, T.: 1.9-ps Jitte
r, 10.0-dBm-EMI Reduction Spread-Spectrum Clock
Generator With Autoca
libration VCO Technique for Serial-ATA
Application, IEEE Tr
ansactions on Very
Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, 22,
1118-1126, doi:10.1109/TVLSI.2013.2257901, 2014.
Russer, J. A., Russer, P., Konovalyuk, M., Gorbuno
va, A., Baev, A., and Kuznetsov, Y.: Analysis of
Cyclostationary Stochastic Electromagnetic Fields,
in: International Conference on Electromagnetics in
Advanced Applications (ICEAA)
, 2015, pp. 1452-1455, IEEE, 2015a.
Russer, J. A., Russer, P., Konovalyuky, M., Gorbuno
va, A., Baev, A., and Kuznetsov, Y.: Near-Field
Propagation of Cyclostationary Stochastic Electrom
agnetic Fields, in: International Conference on
Electromagnetics in Advanced Applic
ations (ICEAA), 2015, pp. 1456-1459,
IEEE, 2015b.
Spread spectrum clocking (SSC) is used for data transmission in modern synchronous digital systems in
order to comply with electromagnetic compatibility (E
MC) regulations. In a synchronous digital system, a
single clock signal is delivered to all subsystems, where actions within each subsystem only occur during
the clock periods (Kao and Hsieh, 2009; Kawamoto
et al., 2014). Due to the periodic nature of a clock
signal, its bandwidth is very narrow. In an i...