About half a century ago, physicists like Max Delbrück and Erwin Schrödinger discovered the fascination of tackling problems in biology with physics. Indeed, the increasing overlap of physics, biology and chemistry that followed led to the foundation in 1961 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics. And as the 700 delegates at the 4th International Conference on Biological Physics in Kyoto, Japan, back in August demonstrated, the trend towards biological physics is escalating (kokusai.phys.nagoya-u.ac.jp/).
About half a century ago, physicists like Max Delbrück and Erwin Schrödinger discovered the fascination of tackling problems in biology with physics. Indeed, the increasing overlap of physics, biology and chemistry that followed led to the foundation in 1961 of the International Union of Pure and Applied Biophysics. And as the 700 delegates at the 4th International Conference on Biological Physics in Kyoto, Japan, back in August demonstrated, the trend towards biological physics is escalating (k...