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S/C Behavior Modeling Using SysML for Model-Based Systems Engineering Support

Peukert, Andreas
This paper addresses detailed aspects of the new Spacecraft Architecture Framework (SCAF) which was developed at the Institute of Astronautics, Technische Universität München, Germany. The paper focuses on the part of SCAF that allows the consistent modeling of S/C behavior to support model-based systems engineering approaches for enhanced S/C development processes. SCAF uses the newly by OMG adopted modeling language SysML, which was specifically designed to support the systems engineering discipline. The mentioned part of the architecture framework covers the intended S/C behavior and is formally called Functional Architecture. It includes the viewpoint for the operational modes of the system and its elements and the viewpoint for the functions that the S/C shall fulfill. The viewpoint for the operational modes declares the dedicated modes of the satellite (or its components) and the functions that must be carried out in those modes. The second viewpoint defines these functions with details. This paper gives theoretical definitions of all proposed S/C architecture viewpoints for describing S/C behavior as well as examples of those viewpoints within a case study using the completed satellite “ CryoSat” , to demonstrate its applicability within real space projects. The paper closes with a conclusion from the case study showing first impressions regarding the effectiveness and usefulness of SCAF when it comes to modeling the behavior of S/C.
Book / Congress title:
AIAA Space Conference 2008