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Basics of a S/C architecture framework for small satellites using SysML

Peukert, Andreas
This paper presents a standardized framework for small spacecraft architectures in accordance with existing architecture frameworks (e.g. Zachman Framework for enterprise architectures, DODAF and MODAF for mission architectures). To establish this architecture framework the new graphical system description language SysML is used. The architecture framework consists of two parts: The first part defines the behavior of the S/C, the other part the physical design of the system. All artifacts are connected by allocations between elements. The behavior model includes the S/C functions, e.g. as in a common function tree, the item flows between those functions, the control flows for the functions and the modes of the S/C or its subsystems. The behavior of the S/C is represented using SysML activity diagrams and state machine diagrams. The S/C physical architecture is not only limited to hardware components but also includes the software components of the S/C. The physical architecture is represented in 4 layers: mechanical, electrical, data protocol & data content. The 4 layers are documented by SysML block definition diagrams and internal block diagrams. At the end of the paper, some potential benefits of the proposed S/C architecture framework are explored.