- Document type:
- Masterarbeit
- Author(s):
- Maximilian Schaede
- Title:
- An Instance Generator in a Unified Format for the Family of Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems
- Advisor:
- Dr. Anulark Naber, Martin Tritschler
- Referee:
- Kolisch, Rainer (Prof. Dr.)
- Year:
- 2014
- University:
- Technische Universität München
- Faculty:
- Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
- TUM Institution:
- Operations Management
- Format:
- Text
- ingested:
- 25.09.2012
- Commencing Date:
- 17.11.2014
- End of processing:
- 31.03.2015
- Status:
- abgeschlossen