Through the investigation of the self-concept of forest pedagogues and their view on education, a survey method for use in qualitative social research is being tested and evaluated. The method is based on the model "Inner Team" according to Schulz von Thun. Respondents visualize in drawings "inner voices" and their mutual influences in situations queried. Inner voices represent psychic forces perceived or assumed by the respondents, which include, among other, cognitive, emotional and motivational aspects. These visualizations guide the interview, which forms the basis for a qualitative data analysis. The performance of the method is discussed on the basis of quality criteria, using existing considerations about the Research Program Subjective Theories and structure-laying techniques.
Through the investigation of the self-concept of forest pedagogues and their view on education, a survey method for use in qualitative social research is being tested and evaluated. The method is based on the model "Inner Team" according to Schulz von Thun. Respondents visualize in drawings "inner voices" and their mutual influences in situations queried. Inner voices represent psychic forces perceived or assumed by the respondents, which include, among other, cognitive, emotional and motivation...