Limestone samples were analyzed in a thermo gravimetricanalyser (TGA) at a calciner and carbonator operatingconditions for CO2 and SO2 co-capture in a typical CalciumLooping (CaL) process. The CaSO4 formed in the sample atboth reactor operating conditions, accumulated over the numberof carbonation and calcination cycles and hence effectivelyreduced its CO2 capture potential. Subjected to hydration, amulti cycled DFB (dual fluidized bed) sample was found to behighly reactive like a fresh limestone with SO2 and CO2.Simultaneous carbonation and sulfation tests were performed,depicting the carbonator operating conditions, to optimize theCO2 capture in presence of SO2. Analysis of carbonation tosulfation ratio against the residence time revealed that thesmaller the residence time better the CO2 capture efficiency.Out of the two tested carbonation temperatures of 650textdegreeC and700textdegreeC, the former one was found to be favorable towards CO2separation. Finally sulfation-only rates were measured at bothreactor temperatures. No significant difference was observedfor up to 80 minutes. However the sulfation of freshlycarbonated limestone was faster than the original limestone.Lime (CaO) sulfation was the fastest among all three cases.
Limestone samples were analyzed in a thermo gravimetricanalyser (TGA) at a calciner and carbonator operatingconditions for CO2 and SO2 co-capture in a typical CalciumLooping (CaL) process. The CaSO4 formed in the sample atboth reactor operating conditions, accumulated over the numberof carbonation and calcination cycles and hence effectivelyreduced its CO2 capture potential. Subjected to hydration, amulti cycled DFB (dual fluidized bed) sample was found to behighly reactive like a fresh limeston...