In-situ data are essential for a wide range of applications. In ocean tide models, data
from bottom-pressure stations and coastal tide gauges are used for validation
purposes as well as for assimilation. The Global Extreme Sea Level Analysis (GESLA)
is the latest comprehensive high-frequency sea-level dataset containing 1355
harmonized records collected among 30 different international sources. The DGFITUM
exploited the 1278 public records to derive at every station the amplitude and
phase of 39 tidal constituents and the sea-level trend. A first screening was performed
on all records to ensure that no large data gap occur in the timeseries and that all
flagged observations are excluded. Subsequently, the sea level trend and the
constants of each constituent are computed with the least-squares fit. The results are
saved in user-friendly text files, and include additional information on the position of
the stations, the estimated error of the fit, and a code that corresponds to the source
of the record. This poster provides information on the construction of this dataset. In
addition, results and tidal applications are illustrated.
In-situ data are essential for a wide range of applications. In ocean tide models, data
from bottom-pressure stations and coastal tide gauges are used for validation
purposes as well as for assimilation. The Global Extreme Sea Level Analysis (GESLA)
is the latest comprehensive high-frequency sea-level dataset containing 1355
harmonized records collected among 30 different international sources. The DGFITUM
exploited the 1278 public records to derive at every station the amplitude and