Traditional mesoscopic scale imaging methods (Histology, Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy and Optical Projection Tomography) require destructive or chemical clearing procedures of the sample. Optoacoustic imaging provides non-invasive high-resolution mapping of optical absorption up to a few centimeters depth into tissue. In this work, three different volumetric detection geometries using linear array transducers are introduced in order to provide new anatomical, molecular, and functional insights for mesoscopic scale biological samples. The systems open up a broad range of new applications in the context of pre-clinical imaging of developmental biology as well as cancer imaging, drug delivery and treatment monitoring.
Traditional mesoscopic scale imaging methods (Histology, Selective Plane Illumination Microscopy and Optical Projection Tomography) require destructive or chemical clearing procedures of the sample. Optoacoustic imaging provides non-invasive high-resolution mapping of optical absorption up to a few centimeters depth into tissue. In this work, three different volumetric detection geometries using linear array transducers are introduced in order to provide new anatomical, molecular, and functional...