In a cell-free concept for biosynthesis of industrial relevant alcohols, glucose was converted in a first step to pyruvate. To synthesize the alcohols isobutanol and n-butanol from pyruvate, following classes of enzymes were considered: acetohydroxyacid synthases, acetolactate synthases, ß-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenases, butyryl-CoA dehydrogenases, trans-2-enoyl-CoA dehydrogenases and enoate reductases. Cloning and heterologous expression of the chosen enzymes was followed by their biochemical characterization with respect to applicability.
In a cell-free concept for biosynthesis of industrial relevant alcohols, glucose was converted in a first step to pyruvate. To synthesize the alcohols isobutanol and n-butanol from pyruvate, following classes of enzymes were considered: acetohydroxyacid synthases, acetolactate synthases, ß-hydroxybutyryl-CoA dehydrogenases, butyryl-CoA dehydrogenases, trans-2-enoyl-CoA dehydrogenases and enoate reductases. Cloning and heterologous expression of the chosen enzymes was followed by their biochemica...