The local-instantaneous transport equations for two-phase systems are derived based on the integral balance of mass, momentum and chemical species. After conditional volume-averaging, corresponding closure terms are modelled for both dispersed and segregated flow types. The delevoped multi-scale two-fluid model is capable of capturing under-resolved flow structures while being scale-consistent with established models (Direct Numerical Simulation and Eulerian-Eulerian Methods). The validation is accomplished for all conserved quantities
based on an analytical, numerical exact or experimental reference base. Furthermore, a novel method is developed which is capable of capturing species transfer across fluid interfaces for interface-capturing approaches (segregated flow). For dispersed flows, models for the dynamics of bubbles in dense swarms are examined.
The local-instantaneous transport equations for two-phase systems are derived based on the integral balance of mass, momentum and chemical species. After conditional volume-averaging, corresponding closure terms are modelled for both dispersed and segregated flow types. The delevoped multi-scale two-fluid model is capable of capturing under-resolved flow structures while being scale-consistent with established models (Direct Numerical Simulation and Eulerian-Eulerian Methods). The validation is...