Cosmogenic background has a large impact on the rare neutrino event search in liquid-scintillator detectors. In this work, an analysis of the BOREXINO muon veto efficiency and the development of a muon track reconstruction software are employed to study cosmic muons and muon-induced neutron showers. The results are used to optimize the veto of cosmogenic C11 that forms the main background for the detection of solar CNO/pep neutrinos. Moreover, the detection potential of LENA for the Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background is investigated. About 10 events per year are expected in an energy window from 10 to 30 MeV defined by cosmogenic and neutrino backgrounds. Related to this, the optical scattering lengths of candidate scintillators for LENA have been determined in a laboratory experiment. The impact of the optical transparency on the detector performance is evaluated in MC simulations.
Cosmogenic background has a large impact on the rare neutrino event search in liquid-scintillator detectors. In this work, an analysis of the BOREXINO muon veto efficiency and the development of a muon track reconstruction software are employed to study cosmic muons and muon-induced neutron showers. The results are used to optimize the veto of cosmogenic C11 that forms the main background for the detection of solar CNO/pep neutrinos. Moreover, the detection potential of LENA for the Diffuse Supe...