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Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity: the Hamburg Declaration.

Document type:
Article; Journal Article
Steinacker, Jürgen M; van Mechelen, Willem; Bloch, Wilhelm; Börjesson, Mats; Casasco, Maurizio; Wolfarth, Bernd; Knoke, Carolin; Papadopoulou, Theodora; Wendt, Janine; Al Tunaiji, Hashel; Andresen, Dietrich; Andrieieva, Olena; Bachl, Norbert; Badtieva, Victoriya; Beucher, Friedhelm J; Blauwet, Cheri A; Casajus Mallen, Jose-Antonio; Chang, Ju-Ho; Clénin, German; Constantini, Naama; Constantinou, Demitri; Di Luigi, Luigi; Declercq, Lukas; Doutreleau, Stephane; Drozdovska, Svitlana; Duclos, Martine...     »
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), including coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dementia, depression and cancers, are on the rise worldwide and are often associated with a lack of physical activity (PA). Globally, the levels of PA among individuals are below WHO recommendations. A lack of PA can increase morbidity and mortality, worsen the quality of life and increase the economic burden on individuals and society. In response to this trend, numerous organisations came...     »
Journal title abbreviation:
BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med
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TUM Institution:
289; Poliklinik für Präventive Sportmedizin und Sportkardiologie (Prof. Halle)