Being the most commom sustained arrhyhtmia, atrial fibrillation is a subject to numerous investigations. The present thesis describes the simultaneous measurement of the spatial and temporal spreading and distribution of atrial fibrillation potentials in the right atrium in 42 patients with persistent, induced sustained and induced non-sustained atrial fibrillation by the means of a 64-pole basket catheter. From non-sustained to sustained atrial fibrillation, shortening of cycle length and increase in spatial difference, morphologic disorder of the potentials as well as decrease of synchronous activation take place. These changes can contribute to the maintenance of the arrhyhtmia.
Being the most commom sustained arrhyhtmia, atrial fibrillation is a subject to numerous investigations. The present thesis describes the simultaneous measurement of the spatial and temporal spreading and distribution of atrial fibrillation potentials in the right atrium in 42 patients with persistent, induced sustained and induced non-sustained atrial fibrillation by the means of a 64-pole basket catheter. From non-sustained to sustained atrial fibrillation, shortening of cycle length and incre...