Diagnostic value of water-fat-separated images and CT-like susceptibility-weighted images extracted from a single ultrashort echo time sequence for the evaluation of vertebral fractures and degenerative changes of the spine
Feuerriegel, Georg C. ; Kronthaler, Sophia ; Boehm, Christof ; Renz, Martin ; Leonhardt, Yannik ; Gassert, Florian ; Foreman, Sarah C. ; Weiss, Kilian ; Wurm, Markus ; Liebig, Thomas ; Makowski, Marcus R. ; Schwaiger, Benedikt J. ; Karampinos, Dimitrios C. ; Gersing, Alexandra S.
Musculoskeletal ; Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ; Ultrashort echo time (UTE) imaging ; Vertebral fractures ; Bone marrow edema ; Medical and Health Sciences