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Article; Early Access
Vill, Katharina; Tacke, Moritz; Konig, Anna; Baumann, Matthias; Baumgartner, Manuela; Steinbach, Meike; Bernert, Guenther; Blaschek, Astrid; Deschauer, Marcus; Flotats-Bastardas, Marina; Friese, Johannes; Goldbach, Susanne; Gross, Martin; Guenther, Rene; Hahn, Andreas; Hagenacker, Tim; Hauser, Erwin; Horber, Veronka; Illsinger, Sabine; Johannsen, Jessika; Kamm, Christoph; Koch, Jan C.; Koelbel, Heike; Koehler, Cornelia; Kolzter, Kirsten; Lochmuller, Hanns; Ludolph, Albert; Mensch, Alexander; zu...     »
5qSMA: standardised retrospective natural history assessment in 268 patients with four copies of SMN2
Newborn screening for 5qSMA offers the potential for early, ideally pre-symptomatic, therapeutic intervention. However, limited data exist on the outcomes of individuals with 4 copies of SMN2, and there is no consensus within the SMA treatment community regarding early treatment initiation in this subgroup. To provide evidence-based insights into disease progression, we performed a retrospective analysis of 268 patients with 4 copies of SMN2 from the SMArtCARE registry in Germany, Austria and Sw...     »
Journal title abbreviation:
J Neurol
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TUM Institution:
1411; 1430; 1554; Klinik und Poliklinik für Neurologie (Prof. Hemmer)