- Title:
Freehand SPECT: first in-vivo use for lymphatic mapping and comparison to conventional imaging
- Document type:
- Konferenzbeitrag
- Author(s):
- Herrmann, K.; Wendler, T.; Chen, T.; Bartel, A.; Lasser, T.; Scheidhauer, K.; Traub, J.; Schuster, T.; Ziegler, S. I.; Schwaiger, M.; Buck, A. K.; Navab, N.
- Keywords:
- CAMPAR,CAMP,DGN,ComputerAidedSurgery,MedicalAugmentedReality,MedicalImaging,GammaProbe,FreehandSPECT,SLN
- Book / Congress title:
- Proceedings of DGN Nuklearmedizin 2009
- Organization:
- Dgn
- Publisher address:
- Leipzig, Germany
- Year:
- 2009
- BibTeX