Subglottic pathologies are rare and show a clinical unspecific appearance i. e. through tissue increase around the cricoid or the cranial trachea. Typical symptoms are hoarseness, an overstimulated coughing, a globus laryngeus feeling as well as dyspnea or a stridor. Differential diagnosis include benign diseases like involving a posttraumatic status (e. g. stenosis), infection (i. e. pseudocroup), rheumatic disease (i. e. granulomatosis with polyangiitis) or benign tumor (i. e. papilloma, hemangioma or granular cell tumor). On the other hand, malignant diseases like the squamous cell carcinoma, a chondrosarcoma or the very rare laryngeal lymphoma manifestation must be considered as well. Idiopathic causes should also be taken into account. To secure the final diagnosis of such tumor formation a tissue sample should be histologically analyzed. The therapy is multimodal e. g. in close collaboration with internal medicine and ENT specialists.
Subglottic pathologies are rare and show a clinical unspecific appearance i. e. through tissue increase around the cricoid or the cranial trachea. Typical symptoms are hoarseness, an overstimulated coughing, a globus laryngeus feeling as well as dyspnea or a stridor. Differential diagnosis include benign diseases like involving a posttraumatic status (e. g. stenosis), infection (i. e. pseudocroup), rheumatic disease (i. e. granulomatosis with polyangiitis) or benign tumor (i. e. papilloma, heman...