In this article a high resolution database of Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) and anthropometric parameters for 35 human subjects and two KEMAR manequins is introduced. The HRIRs were computed using Normalized Least Mean Square (NLMS) adaptive filtering.
The NLMS method has no audible drawbacks compared to well-established HRIR estimation approaches (MLS and Exponetnial Sweep method) while allowing quasi-infinite azimuth resolution by continuously recording of the excitation signal of a rotating subject (Rothbucher et al., 2013).
The obtained LDV database provides HRIRs of six different elevation planes with an azimuth resolution of 1° or 0.2° and corresponding anthropometric data of 35 human subjects. In this article, the measurement process and the post processing of the HRIRs is described in detail.