We consider the problem of locating multiple interacting quantitative trait
loci (QTL) influencing traits measured in counts. In many applications the
distribution of the count variable has a spike at zero. Zero-inflated generalized
Poisson regression (ZIGPR) allows for an additional probability mass at
zero and hence an improvement in the detection of significant loci. Classical
model selection criteria often overestimate the QTL number. Therefore, modified
versions of the Bayesian Information Criterion (mBIC and EBIC) were
successfully used for QTL mapping. We apply these criteria based on ZIGPR
as well as simpler models. An extensive simulation study shows their good
power detecting QTL while controlling the false discovery rate. We illustrate
how the inability of the Poisson distribution to account for over-dispersion
leads to an overestimation of the QTL number and hence strongly discourages
its application for identifying factors influencing count data. The proposed
method is used to analyze the mice gallstone data of Lyons, Wittenburg, Li,
Walsh, Leonard, Churchill, Carey, and Paigen (2003). Our results suggest the
existence of a novel QTL on chromosome 4 interacting with another QTL previously
identified on chromosome 5. We provide the corresponding R code.
We consider the problem of locating multiple interacting quantitative trait
loci (QTL) influencing traits measured in counts. In many applications the
distribution of the count variable has a spike at zero. Zero-inflated generalized
Poisson regression (ZIGPR) allows for an additional probability mass at
zero and hence an improvement in the detection of significant loci. Classical
model selection criteria often overestimate the QTL number. Therefore, modified
versions of the Bayesian Inform...