There is strong empirical evidence that dependence in multivariate financial
time series varies over time. To incorporate this effect we suggest a time varying
copula class, which allows for stochastic autoregressive (SCAR) copula
time dependence. For this we introduce latent variables which are analytically
related to Kendall’s τ , specifically we introduce latent variables that
are the Fisher transformation of Kendall’s τ allowing for easy comparison
of different copula families such as the Gaussian, Clayton and Gumbel copula.
The inclusion of latent variables renders maximum likelihood estimation
computationally infeasible, therefore a Bayesian approach is followed. Such
an approach also enables credibility intervals to be easily computed in addition
to point estimates. We design two sampling approaches in a Markov
Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) framework. The first is a naive approach based
on Metropolis-Hastings in Gibbs while the second is a more efficient coarse
grid sampler using ideas of Liu and Sabatti (2000). The performance of these
samplers are investigated in a large simulation study and are applied to two data sets involving financial stock indices. It is shown that time varying dependence
is present for these data sets and can be quantified by estimating
time varying Kendall’s τ with point-wise credible intervals over the series.
There is strong empirical evidence that dependence in multivariate financial
time series varies over time. To incorporate this effect we suggest a time varying
copula class, which allows for stochastic autoregressive (SCAR) copula
time dependence. For this we introduce latent variables which are analytically
related to Kendall’s τ , specifically we introduce latent variables that
are the Fisher transformation of Kendall’s τ allowing for easy comparison
of different copula families such as...