Postoperative radioiodine therapy contributes essentially to the good long term outcome of differentiated thyroid cancer. This study showed significant benefits in ablation rates and long term outcomes after treatment with high doses of I-131 over 4,0 GBq. This applied especially for High risk and Low risk patients older than 45 years at time of therapy. For younger patients under 40 years, data also indicated benefits in outcomes after application of higher activities. Due to non-significant results in this group of patients, further long term analysis with larger case numbers should be performed.
Postoperative radioiodine therapy contributes essentially to the good long term outcome of differentiated thyroid cancer. This study showed significant benefits in ablation rates and long term outcomes after treatment with high doses of I-131 over 4,0 GBq. This applied especially for High risk and Low risk patients older than 45 years at time of therapy. For younger patients under 40 years, data also indicated benefits in outcomes after application of higher activities. Due to non-significant re...