This thesis contributes to the research and development efforts aiming at the thermochemical production of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from lignocellulosic biomass. In order to enhance the carbon yield in the SNG, the stand-alone Biomass-to-Gas (BtG) process is coupled to an electrolysis unit, integrating renewable hydrogen in a Power-to-Gas (PtG) approach. The combined BtG/PtG concept represents a chemical long-term storage technology connecting the sectors power, heat, and mobility, via the existing natural gas (NG) grid.
This thesis contributes to the research and development efforts aiming at the thermochemical production of Synthetic Natural Gas (SNG) from lignocellulosic biomass. In order to enhance the carbon yield in the SNG, the stand-alone Biomass-to-Gas (BtG) process is coupled to an electrolysis unit, integrating renewable hydrogen in a Power-to-Gas (PtG) approach. The combined BtG/PtG concept represents a chemical long-term storage technology connecting the sectors power, heat, and mobility, via the ex...