The diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders has recently changed towards utilization of Next Generation Sequencing techniques. The identification of novel disease genes demands validation by biochemical and sequencing experiments. Here, I present patients with variants in TXN2, part of the reactive oxygen species defence, and FLAD1, a flavin adenin dinucleotide producer. Based on the genotype-phenotype correlation, a rational therapy for the patient was suggested in both of the projects. My observations will help to initiate therapy early enough in any potential future patients with TXN2 or FLAD1 malfunction.
The diagnosis of mitochondrial disorders has recently changed towards utilization of Next Generation Sequencing techniques. The identification of novel disease genes demands validation by biochemical and sequencing experiments. Here, I present patients with variants in TXN2, part of the reactive oxygen species defence, and FLAD1, a flavin adenin dinucleotide producer. Based on the genotype-phenotype correlation, a rational therapy for the patient was suggested in both of the projects. My observa...