Experimente und Beobachtungen / experiments and observations
Data type:
Tabellen / tables
This data repository contains measurement data of different contacting techniques for lithium-ion battery lab testing. Electrical contact resistances (ECRs) are measured and provided alongside with lithium-ion battery test data for a high and low ECR compared to a laser-welded lithium-ion battery. The data can be used to evaluate the transferability of lab-level statements to automotive applications, if high charging currents are applied.
Method of data assessment:
Electrical contact resistances were determined with a Chauvin Arnoux 6250 micro ohmmeter at 25°C ambient temperature. Cycling data of the lithium-ion battery under study (Sony US18650VTC5A) was measured with a BaSyTec XCTS battery cycler and three NTC temperature sensors placed at the cell tabs and center at 25°C ambient temperature.
Key words:
Lithium-ion battery; Electrical contact resistance; Fast charging