Bannör, K. F.; Kiesel, R.; Nazarova, A.; Scherer, M.
Nicht-TUM Koautoren:
We consider the model risk inherent in the valuation procedure of fossil power plants. To capture model risk we use a methodology recently established in a series of papers, see Cont (2006); Bannör and Scherer (2013). As gas-fired power plants are seen as flexible and low-carbon sources of electricity which are important building blocks in terms of the switch to a low-carbon energy generation, we consider the model risk in this asset class in detail. Our findings reveal that spike risk is by far the most important source of model risk.
We consider the model risk inherent in the valuation procedure of fossil power plants. To capture model risk we use a methodology recently established in a series of papers, see Cont (2006); Bannör and Scherer (2013). As gas-fired power plants are seen as flexible and low-carbon sources of electricity which are important building blocks in terms of the switch to a low-carbon energy generation, we consider the model risk in this asset class in detail. Our findings reveal that spike risk is by fa...
Power Plant valuation, model risk, energy markets, spark spread option