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[Arthroscopic refixation of acute proximal anterior cruciate ligament rupture using suture anchors].

Document type:
Journal Article; Review
Achtnich, A; Rosslenbroich, S; Beitzel, K; Imhoff, A B; Petersen, W
Arthroscopic assisted suture anchor refixation combined with microfracturing of the femoral ACL insertion zone in cases of acute proximal anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture to restore anatomical and biomechanical properties of the native ACL.Acute proximal ACL rupture/avulsion, multiligament injury of the knee CONTRAINDICATIONS: Chronic (>6 weeks) proximal ACL rupture, intraligamentary rupture, as well as previous ACL surgery.Arthroscopic examination of the knee joint, debridement of the femoral insertion zone, examination of the ligament quality by a probe, insertion of a curved lasso through the ACL to place the sutures and use of a drill guide to place the anchor in the middle of the femoral ACL insertion. Microfracturing holes around the femoral footprint were made by an awl to enhance healing properties of the ACL.Partial weight bearing was permitted and crutches were used for 6 weeks, knee brace limited for the first 2 weeks 0-0-0°, then 0-0-90° for the following 4 weeks.A total of 20 patients who underwent acute proximal ACL suture anchor refixation were evaluated after a mean follow-up of 28 months. Regarding stability, mean values of the KT-1000 arthrometer indicated stable results (<3 mm), 3 patients had a 1+ Lachman and 4 patients had a 1+ pivot shift. IKDC (International Knee Documentation Committee) score indicated that 17 cases were very good to good (12A, 4B) and in 3 cases the results were satisfactory (3C). Magnetic resonance imaging showed that the ALC was found to be intact in 17 cases. The total rate of revision was 15 % (3/20) because of recurrent instability.
Journal title abbreviation:
Oper Orthop Traumatol
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TUM Institution:
Fachgebiet Sportorthopädie (Prof. Imhoff)