Analysis of pre-operative tracheostomy and circumjacent tumour free margins as risk factors in the development of stomal recurrent disease after (pharyngo)laryngectomy.124 patients after (pharyngo)laryngectomy were analyzed for disease related data and tumour samples were analyzed for tumour free margins. The overall cohort was divided into patients with/withour pre-operative tracheostomy.18 patients suffered from recurrent disease (10 stomal, 8 distant metastases). Advanced T-status, female gender, and sub-/glottic tumour manifestation resulted in a higher rate of prior tracheostomy. Pre-operative tracheostomy did not influence the development of stomal recurrency. R0 resection was achieved in 94% of our patients, with significant reduced tumour free margins in patients with stomal recurrency (p=0.002)Pre-operative tracheostomy did not influence the development of stomal recurrent disease. The clinical identification of ventral soft tissue infiltration should result in extensive surgical concepts.
Analysis of pre-operative tracheostomy and circumjacent tumour free margins as risk factors in the development of stomal recurrent disease after (pharyngo)laryngectomy.124 patients after (pharyngo)laryngectomy were analyzed for disease related data and tumour samples were analyzed for tumour free margins. The overall cohort was divided into patients with/withour pre-operative tracheostomy.18 patients suffered from recurrent disease (10 stomal, 8 distant metastases). Advanced...