Lesions of the superior glenoid labrum and the insertion of the biceps tendon are a common cause for shoulder pain in patients performing overhead sports.The therapeutic management depends on the type of lesion, and should be carried out using an arthroscopic procedure. While type I SLAP lesions should be treated conservatively or with simple debridement, SLAP II, IV, and V lesions, with a detachment of the labrumanchor- complex, should be refixed with suture anchors. Only in cases of type III lesions with a bucket handle-like lesion of the labrum, but stable insertion of the biceps tendon, a simple debridement can be performed. From the biomechanical point of view, large type III lesions should also be reconstructed. To improve the arthroscopic view for preparation of the glenoid neck, an intraarticular loop ("Imhoff-suspension sling") can prevent the posterosuperior labrum from falling into the joint. The arthroscopic SLAP refixation is a technically highly demanding procedure which provides good clinical results for the patient.
Lesions of the superior glenoid labrum and the insertion of the biceps tendon are a common cause for shoulder pain in patients performing overhead sports.The therapeutic management depends on the type of lesion, and should be carried out using an arthroscopic procedure. While type I SLAP lesions should be treated conservatively or with simple debridement, SLAP II, IV, and V lesions, with a detachment of the labrumanchor- complex, should be refixed with suture anchors. Only in cases of type III l...