As a potentially life-threatening disease, cholesteatoma of the petrous bone generally requires a surgical approach. Surgery aims to produce an ear that is easy to care for and is free of recurrent or residual cholesteatoma. Hearing improvement is of secondary importance. Nevertheless the sound conduction system is generally reconstructed as a single-stage procedure. There are various possible methods of dealing with a cholesteatoma: (i) preserving or reconstructing the posterior meatal wall with an aerated mastoid (closed technique) or obliteration of the mastoid completely or partially after removal of the posterior wall (closed technique); and (ii) leaving the cavity open for inspection (open technique). In our opinion any technique where the mastoid is not open for inspection should be called a closed technique. Both techniques have their specific advantages and disadvantages.
As a potentially life-threatening disease, cholesteatoma of the petrous bone generally requires a surgical approach. Surgery aims to produce an ear that is easy to care for and is free of recurrent or residual cholesteatoma. Hearing improvement is of secondary importance. Nevertheless the sound conduction system is generally reconstructed as a single-stage procedure. There are various possible methods of dealing with a cholesteatoma: (i) preserving or reconstructing the posterior meatal wall wit...