The second realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame by Very Long Baseline Interferometry
Ma C., Arias F., Bianco G., Boboltz D., Bolotin S., Charlot P., Engelhardt G., Fey A., Gaume R., Gontier A., Heinkelmann R., Jacobs C., Kurdubov S., Lambert S., Malkin Z., Nothnagel A., Petrov L., Skurikhina E., Sokolova J., Souchay J., Sovers O., Tesmer V., Titov O., Wang G., Zharov V.
Journal title:
IERS Technical Note, No. 35, A. Fey and D. Gordon (Eds.), Verlag des Bundesamts für Kartographie und Geodäsie, Frankfurt a.M.