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Schmidt M.
Moderne Methoden der Signalanalyse
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, 121 (7), 315-325, 1996. Grundlagen der Wavelet-Theorie. Interner Bericht MS/67/95/DGFI, Abt. I

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Schmidt M., Bosch W.
Long-term vertical control in satellite altimetry, deficiencies and concepts
In: Sänkel H., Marson I. (Eds.) Gravity and Geoid, IAG Symposia 113: 366-375, Springer

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Schmidt M.
Grundlagen der Bayes-Statistik
Interner Bericht MS/64/95/DGFI, Abt. I, 1995. Adjustment Theory. In: National Report of the Federal Republic of Germany on the Geodetic Activities in the Years 1991-1995. Dt. Geod. Komm., Reihe B, Nr. 300, 73-76

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Richter B.
The rotation of the celestial equatorial system with the so-called "non-rotatingorigin
Geodetic Theory Today; Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 32-38

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Richter B.
Die Parametrisierung der Erdorientierung
Zeitschrift für Vermessungswesen, Jahrgang 120, 109-119

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Kelm R.
The vertical dimension of the European Datum: Some principal considerations
Veröffentlichung der Bayerischen Kommission für die Internationale Erdmessung, Heft Nr. 56,111-115, Mänchen

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Kelm R.
Interner Bericht RK/65/95/DGFI, Abt. I
Automatisches Ermitteln des Innenbereiches eines Ringpolygons in der Ebene: Algorithmen und Programm

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Kaniuth K., Drewes H., Tremel H., Stuber K., Zerbini S., Pezzoli L., Corrado G.
Crustal deformations in the Calabrian Arc area from five years of GPS measurements
Proc. of ISTANBUL-94, 1st Turkish Internat. Symp. on Deformations, Istanbul, 781-790

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Haas R., Campbell J., Schuh H.
Geodynamical parameters determined by VLBI. 10th working meeting on European VLBI for geodesy and astrometry
Proceedings ed. by R. Lanotte and G. Bianco, Agenzia Spaziale Italiano, Matera, 91-102

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Gubler E., Hornik H.
Report on the Symposium of the IAG Subcommission for the European Reference Frame (EUREF) held in Helsinki, 3 - 6 May 1995
Reports of the EUREF Technical Working Group, Bayer. Komm. f.d. Int. Erdmessung, Nr. 56, 298 Seiten, München