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Standard methods forApis melliferavenom research

Document type:
Review; Early Access
de Graaf, Dirk C.; Brochetto Braga, Marcia Regina; Magalhaes de Abreu, Rusleyd Maria; Blank, Simon; Bridts, Chris H.; De Clerck, Luc S.; Devreese, Bart; Ebo, Didier G.; Ferris, Timothy J.; Hagendorens, Margo M.; Justo Jacomini, Debora Lais; Kanchev, Iliya; Kokot, Zenon J.; Matysiak, Jan; Mertens, Christel; Sabato, Vito; Van Gasse, Athina L.; Van Vaerenbergh, Matthias
Honey bees have a sting which allows them to inject venomous substances into the body of an opponent or attacker. As the sting originates from a modified ovipositor, it only occurs in the female insect, and this is a defining feature of the bee species that belong to a subclade of the Hymenoptera called Aculeata. There is considerable interest in bee venom research, primarily because of an important subset of the human population who will develop a sometimes life threatening allergic response af...     »
Journal title abbreviation:
J. Apic. Res.
Fulltext / DOI:
TUM Institution:
Molekulare Allergologie (Prof. Schmidt-Weber)