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Zöllner, Bertram
Technology Resurrection -- Validation of a Methodology with Case Studies
Term Paper

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Zimmerhakl, Philipp
The Structural and Thermal Design and Analysis of the SEAM CubeSat
Diploma Thesis

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Wolf, Christian
Untersuchung des Ausbreitungsverhaltens von lunarem Regolith unter anthropogenen Einflüssen und daraus resultierende Schäden an technischen Systemen
Term Paper

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Whittle, Lisa
The development and test of an autonomous navigation and control software for a quadcopter to simulate an LEO satellite pass as seen from the ground station
Master's Thesis

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Weber, Werner
Development of an automatic detection sytem for no-fly zones based on a quad-copter: Entwicklung eines automatischen Detektionssystems von Flugverbotszonen anhand eines Quad-Copters
Term Paper

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Weber, Jan
Principles of human thermoregulatory modelling and an overview of simple and complex models of human thermoregulation
Bachelor's Thesis

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Ünüvar, Muhammed
Untersuchung von Docking-Interfaces hinsichtlich deren Verwendung unter lunaren Umgebungsbedingungen
Bachelor's Thesis

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Thomanetz, Tom
Entwicklung und Realisierung eines mobilen Hangarsystems für einen satellitengestützten Mulitkopter: Development and implementation of a mobile hangarsystem for a satellite-based multicopter
Bachelor's Thesis

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Tattusch, Tim
Optimization Approaches for the Vibration and Shock Mechanism for the Crushing Sation of ESA's ExoMars Rover
Master's Thesis

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Stölzle, Alexander
veCROP -~Development of a Dynamic Plant Model for the Use in Biological Life Support Simulations
Diploma Thesis