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Lattice Boltzmann method for fluid-structure interaction phenomena

Geller, S.; Janssen, C.; Krafczyk, M.; Kollmannsberger, S.; Rank, E.
In the recent years we investigated the validity and efficiency of coupling high order finite elements schemes for mechanics with the Lattice Boltzmann Method. The results on two dimensional and three dimensional benchmark configurations are very promising and show that an explicit coupling scheme is able to produce results which agree with reference solutions. The solid part was computed by the structural solver AdhoC and the fluid part by the parallel solver VirtualFluids, which is based on ad...     »
fluid-structure interaction, p-FEM, high-order finite elements, lattice Boltzmann, rigid body simulation
Kongress- / Buchtitel:
The Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering