Different microsurgical techniques for end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis were analysed in the presented doctorial thesis and an arterial, microvascular embolism-model was developed and evaluated in a rat model. The new techniques were analysed clinically and rheologically in vitro and were associated with a significant lower rate in complications and more physiological blood flow distal to anastomosis. The healing process of the embolism-model was described in detail. The evaluated techniques and models are feasible for future microsurgical research and might expand the clinical application of microsurgery.
Different microsurgical techniques for end-to-end and end-to-side anastomosis were analysed in the presented doctorial thesis and an arterial, microvascular embolism-model was developed and evaluated in a rat model. The new techniques were analysed clinically and rheologically in vitro and were associated with a significant lower rate in complications and more physiological blood flow distal to anastomosis. The healing process of the embolism-model was described in detail. The evaluated techniqu...