In this work we conduct hydrodynamic simulations of combustion and
combustion-like processes at high densities in compact stellar
objects. In the first part we discuss the conversion of a hadronic
neutron star into a quark star. We model this process as a
combustion. Our results show that the conversion process proceeds in a
turbulent fashion; furthermore, in our simulations an outer layer of
hadronic matter remains around the quark core. In the second part, we
discuss deflagrations in white dwarfs that consist of carbon and
oxygen and have high central densities. We see no gravitational collapse in the investigated parameter space. Instead, the white dwarfs explode in thermonuclear supernovae; thereby, neutron-rich isotopes such as Ca-48, of which the origin is still unknown, can be produced.
In this work we conduct hydrodynamic simulations of combustion and
combustion-like processes at high densities in compact stellar
objects. In the first part we discuss the conversion of a hadronic
neutron star into a quark star. We model this process as a
combustion. Our results show that the conversion process proceeds in a
turbulent fashion; furthermore, in our simulations an outer layer of
hadronic matter remains around the quark core. In the second part, we
discuss deflagrations in...