Requirements engineering (RE) stands at the beginning of any (software) development project. It captures and models the domain as well as the needs of the stakeholders and systematically derives the requirements and constraints until the information is concrete enough to design a system that suits the needs. Thus, RE provides a thorough understanding of the future system and its environment. RE helps to find out what your customer wants and actually needs, and provides the foundation for designing the system that suits these requirements.
This guideline lends a hand in getting started with performing requirements engineering in a software development project. It explains how to proceed with RE, what information to capture, and how to document the results. The approach is based on a domain-independent content model for artefact-oriented requirements engineering.
Requirements engineering (RE) stands at the beginning of any (software) development project. It captures and models the domain as well as the needs of the stakeholders and systematically derives the requirements and constraints until the information is concrete enough to design a system that suits the needs. Thus, RE provides a thorough understanding of the future system and its environment. RE helps to find out what your customer wants and actually needs, and provides the foundation for designi...