The trend in microelectronics to reduce device dimensions leads to increasing and new aging effects in the devices. This requires a continuous optimisation of the fabrication process as well as a degradation aware circuit design, to guarantee a high reliability of the functional elements and maintain the stable function of the system. This work focuses on the very sensitive analog circuits. Previous investigations had presented heterogeneous results. Therefore, a throughout and universal study, investigating the impact of several different aging effects on the analog circuitry, had to be performed. This work identifies highly aging sensitive circuit blocks and demonstrates the impact of device wear-out on their performance characteristics with particularly developed models and experiments. Furthermore, universal methodologies for accelerated stress measurements, aging suppression and design guidelines are proposed and evaluated.
The trend in microelectronics to reduce device dimensions leads to increasing and new aging effects in the devices. This requires a continuous optimisation of the fabrication process as well as a degradation aware circuit design, to guarantee a high reliability of the functional elements and maintain the stable function of the system. This work focuses on the very sensitive analog circuits. Previous investigations had presented heterogeneous results. Therefore, a throughout and universal study,...